Bash Script Step By Step, You will love it

Today we are going to talk about bash scripting or shell scripting and how to write your first bash script. Actually, they are called shell scripts in general, but we are going to call them bash scripts because we are going to use bash among the other Linux shells. There are zsh, tcsh, ksh and other shells. In the previous posts, we saw how to use the bash shell and how to use Linux commands. The concept of a bash script is to run a series of Commands to get your job done. To run multiple commands in a single step from the shell, you can type them on one line and separate them with semicolons.

In the previous posts, we saw how to use the bash shell and how to use Linux commands.

The concept of a bash script is to run a series of Commands to get your job done.

To run multiple commands in a single step from the shell, you can type them on one line and separate them with semicolons.

pwd ; whoami

Actually, this is a bash script!!

The pwd command runs first, displaying the current working directory then the whoami command runs to show the currently logged in users.

You can run multiple commands as much as you wish, but with a limit. You can determine your max args using this command.

getconf ARG_MAX

Well, What about putting the commands into a file, and when we need to run these commands we run that file only. This is called a bash script.

First, make a new file using the touch command. At the beginning of any bash script, we should define which shell we will use because there are many shells on Linux, bash shell is one of them.

Bash Script Shebang

The first line you type when writing a bash script is the (#!) followed by the shell you will use.

#! <=== this sign is called shebang.


If you use the pound sign (#) in front of any line in your bash script, this line will be commented which means it will not be processed, but, the above line is a special case . This line defines what shell we will use, which is bash shell in our case.

The shell commands are entered one per line like this:


# This is a comment



You can type multiple commands on the same line but you must separate them with semicolons, but it is preferable to write commands on separate lines, this will make it simpler to read later.

Set Script Permission

After writing your bash script, save the file.

Now, set that file to be executable, otherwise, it will give you permissions denied. You can review how to set permissions using chmod command.

bash script permission

chmod +x ./myscript

Then try run it by just typing it in the shell:


And Yes, it is executed.

bash script first run

Print Messages

As we know from other posts, printing text is done by echo command.

Edit our file and type this:


# our comment is here

echo "The current directory is:"


echo "The user logged in is:"


Look at the output:

bash script echo command

Perfect! Now we can run commands and display text using echo command.

If you don’t know echo command or how to edit a file I recommend you to view previous articles about basic Linux commands

Using Variables

Variables allow you to store information to use it in your script.

You can define 2 types of variables in your bash script:

  • Environment variables
  • User variables

Environment Variables

Sometimes you need to interact with system variables, you can do this by using environment variables.


# display user home

echo "Home for the current user is: $HOME"

Notice that we put the $HOME system variable between double quotations, and it prints the home variable correctly.

bash script global variables

What if we want to print the dollar sign itself?

echo "I have $1 in my pocket"

Because variable $1 doesn’t exist, it won’t work. So how to overcome that?

You can use the escape character which is the backslash \ before the dollar sign like this:

echo "I have \$1 in my pocket"

Now it works!!

bash script escape dollar sign

User Variables

Also, you can set and use your custom variables in the script.

You can call user variables in the same way like this:


# User variables



echo "$person is a good boy, he is in grade $grade"

chmod +x myscript


bash script user variables

Command Substitution

You can extract information from the result of a command using command substitution.

You can perform command substitution with one of the following methods:

  • The backtick character (`).
  • The $() format.

Make sure when you type backtick character, it is not the single quotation mark.

You must enclose the command with two backticks like this:


Or the other way:


So the script could be like this:



echo $mydir

The output of the command will be stored in mydir variable.

bash script command substitution

Math calculation

You can perform basic math calculations using $(( 2 + 2 )) format:


var1=$(( 5 + 5 ))

echo $var1

var2=$(( $var1 * 2 ))

echo $var2

Just that easy.

bash script math

if-then statement

You bash scripts will need conditional statements. Like if the value is smaller than 10 do this else do that. You can imagine any logic you want.

The most basic structure of if-then statement is like this:

if command


do something


and here is an example:


if whoami


echo "It works"


Since the whoami command will return my user so the condition will return true and it will print the message.

Let’s dig deeper and use other commands we know.

Maybe searching for a specific user in the user’s file /etc/passwd and if a record exists, tell me that in a message.



if grep $user /etc/passwd


echo "No such a user $user"


bash script if-else

We use the grep command to search for the user in /etc/passwd file. You can check our tutorial about the grep command.

If the user exists, the bash script will print the message.

What if the user doesn’t exist? The script will exit the execution without telling us that the user doesn’t exist. OK, let’s improve the script more.

if-then-else Statement

The if-then-else statement takes the following structure:

if command


do something


do another thing


If the first command runs and returns zero; which means success, it will not hit the commands after the else statement, otherwise, if the if statement returns non-zero; which means the statement condition fails, in this case, the shell will hit the commands after else statement.



if grep $user /etc/passwd


echo "The user $user Exists"


echo "The user $user doesn’t exist"


bash script if-else

We are doing good till now, keep moving.

Now, what if we need more else statements.

Well, that is easy, we can achieve that by nesting if statements like this:

if condition1



elif condition2




If the first command return zero; means success, it will execute the commands after it, else if the second command return zero, it will execute the commands after it, else if none of these return zero, it will execute the last commands only.



if grep $user /etc/passwd


echo "The user $user Exists"

elif ls /home


echo "The user doesn’t exist"


You can imagine any scenario here, maybe if the user doesn’t exist, create a user using the useradd command or do anything else.

Numeric Comparisons

You can perform a numeric comparison between two numeric values using numeric comparison checks like this:

number1 -eq number2 Checks if number1 is equal to number2.

number1 -ge number2 Checks if number1 is bigger than or equal number2.

number1 -gt number2 Checks if number1 is bigger than number2.

number1 -le number2 Checks if number1 is smaller than or equal number2.

number1 -lt number2 Checks if number1 is smaller than number2.

number1 -ne number2 Checks if number1 is not equal to number2.

As an example, we will try one of them and the rest is the same.

Note that the comparison statement is in square brackets as shown.



if [ $num -gt 10]


echo "$num is bigger than 10"


echo "$num is less than 10"


bash script numeric compare

The num is greater than 10 so it will run the first statement and prints the first echo.

String Comparisons

You can compare strings with one of the following ways:

string1 = string2 Checks if string1 identical to string2.

string1 != string2 Checks if string1 is not identical to string2.

string1 < string2 Checks if string1 is less than string2.

string1 > string2 Checks if string1 is greater than string2.

-n string1 Checks if string1 longer than zero.

-z string1 Checks if string1 is zero length.

We can apply string comparison on our example:


user ="likegeeks"

if [$user = $USER]


echo "The user $user is the current logged in user"


bash script string compare

One tricky note about the greater than and less than for string comparisons, they MUST be escaped with the backslash because if you use the greater-than symbol only, it shows wrong results.

So you should do it like that:



v2="another text"

if [ $v1 \> "$v2" ]


echo "$v1 is greater than $v2"


echo "$v1 is less than $v2"


bash script string greater than

It runs but it gives this warning:

./myscript: line 5: [: too many arguments

To fix it, wrap the $vals with a double quotation, forcing it to stay as one string like this:



v2="another text"

if [ $v1 \> "$v2" ]


echo "$v1 is greater than $v2"


echo "$v1 is less than $v2"


bash script string fix

One important note about greater than and less than for string comparisons. Check the following example to understand the difference:




if [ $v1 \> $v2 ]


echo "$v1 is greater than $v2"


echo "$v1 is less than $v2"


bash script character case

sort myfile



bash script sort order

The test condition considers the lowercase letters bigger than capital letters. Unlike the sort command which does the opposite.

The test condition is based on the ASCII order, while the sort command is based on the numbering orders from the system settings.

File Comparisons

You can compare and check for files using the following operators:

-d my_file Checks if its a folder.

-e my_file Checks if the file is available.

-f my_file Checks if its a file.

-r my_file Checks if it’s readable.

my_file nt my_file2 Checks if my_file is newer than my_file2.

my_file ot my_file2 Checks if my_file is older than my_file2.

-O my_file Checks if the owner of the file and the logged user match.

-G my_file Checks if the file and the logged user have the idetical group.

As they imply, you will never forget them.

Let’s pick one of them and take it as an example:



if [ -d $mydir ]


echo "Directory $mydir exists"

cd $mydir



echo "NO such file or directory $mydir"


bash script file checking

We are not going to type every one of them as an example. You just type the comparison between the square brackets as it is and complete you script normally.

There are some other advanced if-then features but let’s make it in another post.

That’s for now. I hope you enjoy it and keep practicing more and more.

Thank you.

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