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15+ examples for Linux cURL command

In this tutorial, we will cover the cURL command in Linux. Follow along as we guide you through the functions of this powerful utility with examples to help you understand everything it’s capable of. The cURL command is used to download or upload data to a server, using one of its 20+ supported protocols. This data could be a file, email message, or web page. cURL is an ideal tool for interacting with a website or API, sending requests and displaying the responses to the terminal or logging the data to a file. Sometimes it’s used as part of a larger script, handing off the retrieved data to other functions for processing. Since cURL can be used to retrieve files from servers, it’s often used to download part of a website. It performs this function well, but sometimes the wget command is better suited for that job. We’ll go over some of the differences and similarities between wget and cURL later in this article. We’ll show you how to get started using cURL in the sections below.

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Download a file

The most basic command we can give to cURL is to download a website or file. cURL will use HTTP as its default protocol unless we specify a different one. To download a website, just issue this command:

curl http://www.google.com

Of course, enter any website or page that you want to retrieve.

curl basic command

Doing a basic command like this with no extra options will rarely be useful, because this only tells cURL to retrieve the source code of the page you’ve provided.

curl output

When we ran our command, our terminal is filled with HTML and other web scripting code – not something that is particularly useful to us in this form.

Let’s download the website as an HTML document instead, that way the content can be displayed. Add the –output option to cURL to achieve this.

curl www.likegeeks.com --output likegeeks.html

curl output switch

Now the website we downloaded can be opened and displayed in a web browser.

downloaded website

If you’d like to download an online file, the command is about the same. But make sure to append the –output option to cURL as we did in the example above.

If you fail to do so, cURL will send the binary output of the online file to your terminal, which will likely cause it to malfunction.

Here’s what it looks like when we initiate the download of a 500KB word document.

curl download document

The word document begins to download and the current progress of the download is shown in the terminal. When the download completes, the file will be available in the directory we saved it to.

In this example, no directory was specified, so it was saved to our present working directory (the directory from which we ran the cURL command).

Also, did you notice the -L option that we specified in our cURL command? It was necessary in order to download this file, and we go over its function in the next section.

Follow redirect

If you get an empty output when trying to cURL a website, it probably means that the website told cURL to redirect to a different URL. By default, cURL won’t follow the redirect, but you can tell it to with the -L switch.

curl -L www.likegeeks.com

curl follow redirect

In our research for this article, we found it was necessary to specify the -L on a majority of websites, so be sure to remember this little trick. You may even want to append it to the majority of your cURL commands by default.

Stop and resume download

If your download gets interrupted, or if you need to download a big file but don’t want to do it all in one session, cURL provides an option to stop and resume the transfer.

To stop a transfer manually, you can just end the cURL process the same way you’d stop almost any process currently running in your terminal, with a ctrl+c combination.

curl stop download

Our download has begun, but was interrupted with ctrl+c, now let’s resume it with the following syntax:

curl -C - example.com/some-file.zip --output MyFile.zip

The -C switch is what resumes our file transfer, but also notice that there is a dash (-) directly after it. This tells cURL to resume the file transfer, but to first look at the already downloaded portion in order to see the last byte downloaded and determine where to resume.

resume file download

Our file transfer was resumed and then proceeded to finish downloading successfully.

Specify timeout

If you want cURL to abandon what it’s doing after a certain amount of time, you can specify a timeout in the command. This is especially useful because some operations in cURL don’t have a timeout by default, so one needs to be specified if you don’t want it getting hung up indefinitely.

You can specify a maximum time to spend executing a command with the -m switch. When the specified time has elapsed, cURL will exit whatever it’s doing, even if it’s in the middle of downloading or uploading a file.

cURL expects your maximum time to be specified in seconds. So, to timeout after one minute, the command would look like this:

curl -m 60 example.com

Another type of timeout that you can specify with cURL is the amount of time to spend connecting. This helps make sure that cURL doesn’t spend an unreasonable amount of time attempting to contact a host that is offline or otherwise unreachable.

It, too, accepts seconds as an argument. The option is written as –connect-timeout.

curl --connect-timeout 60 example.com

Using a username and a password

You can specify a username and password in a cURL command with the -u switch. For example, if you wanted to authenticate with an FTP server, the syntax would look like this:

curl -u username:password ftp://example.com

curl authenticate

You can use this with any protocol, but FTP is frequently used for simple file transfers like this.

If we wanted to download the file displayed in the screenshot above, we just issue the same command but use the full path to the file.

curl -u username:password ftp://example.com/readme.txt

curl authenticate download

Use proxies

It’s easy to direct cURL to use a proxy before connecting to a host. cURL will expect an HTTP proxy by default, unless you specify otherwise.

Use the -x switch to define a proxy. Since no protocol is specified in this example, cURL will assume it’s an HTTP proxy.

curl -x http://example.com

This command would use on port 8080 as a proxy to connect to example.com.

You can use it with other protocols as well. Here’s an example of what it’d look like to use an HTTP proxy to cURL to an FTP server and retrieve a file.

curl -x ftp://example.com/readme.txt

cURL supports many other types of proxies and options to use with those proxies, but expanding further would be beyond the scope of this guide. Check out the cURL man page for more information about proxy tunneling, SOCKS proxies, authentication, etc.

Chunked download large files

We’ve already shown how you can stop and resume file transfers, but what if we wanted cURL to only download a chunk of a file? That way, we could download a large file in multiple chunks.

It’s possible to download only certain portions of a file, in case you needed to stay under a download cap or something like that. The –range flag is used to accomplish this.

curl range man

Sizes must be written in bytes. So if we wanted to download the latest Ubuntu .iso file in 100 MB chunks, our first command would look like this:

curl --range 0-99999999 http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso ubuntu-part1

The second command would need to pick up at the next byte and download another 100 MB chunk.

curl --range 0-99999999 http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso ubuntu-part1

curl --range 100000000-199999999 http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso ubuntu-part2

Repeat this process until all the chunks are downloaded. The last step is to combine the chunks into a single file, which can be done with the cat command.

cat ubuntu-part? > ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso

Client certificate

To access a server using certificate authentication instead of basic authentication, you can specify a certificate file with the –cert option.

curl --cert path/to/cert.crt:password ftp://example.com

cURL has a lot of options for the format of certificate files.

curl cert

There are more certificate related options, too: –cacert, –cert-status, –cert-type, etc. Check out the man page for a full list of options.

Silent cURL

If you’d like to suppress cURL’s progress meter and error messages, the -s switch provides that feature. It will still output the data you request, so if you’d like the command to be 100% silent, you’d need to direct the output to a file.

Combine this command with the -O flag to save the file in your present working directory. This will ensure that cURL returns with 0 output.

curl -s -O http://example.com

Alternatively, you could use the –output option to choose where to save the file and specify a name.

curl -s http://example.com --output index.html

curl silent

Get headers

Grabbing the header of a remote address is very simple with cURL, you just need to use the -I option.

curl -I example.com

curl headers

If you combine this with the –L option, cURL will return the headers of every address that it’s redirected to.

curl -I -L example.com

Multiple headers

You can pass headers to cURL with the -H option. And to pass multiple headers, you just need to use the -H option multiple times. Here’s an example:

curl -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' http://example.com

Post (upload) file

POST is a common way for websites to accept data. For example, when you fill out a form online, there’s a good chance that the data is being sent from your browser using the POST method. To send data to a website in this way, use the -d option.

curl -d 'name=geek&location=usa' http://example.com

To upload a file, rather than text, the syntax would look like this:

curl -d @filename http://example.com

Use as many -d flags as you need in order to specify all the different data or filenames that you are trying to upload.

You can the -T option if you want to upload a file to an FTP server.

curl -T myfile.txt ftp://example.com/some/directory/

Send an email

Sending an email is simply uploading data from your computer (or another device) to an email server. Since cURL is able to upload data, we can use it to send emails. There are a slew of options, but here’s an example of how to send an email through an SMTP server:

curl smtp://mail.example.com --mail-from me@example.com --mail-rcpt john@domain.com --upload-file email.txt

Your email file would need to be formatted correctly. Something like this:

cat email.txt

From: Web Administrator <me@example.com>

To: John Doe <john@domain.com>

Subject: An example email

Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2019 02:10:15


Hope you have a great weekend.


As usual, more granular and specialized options can be found in the man page of cURL.

Read email message

cURL supports IMAP (and IMAPS) and POP3, both of which can be used to retrieve email messages from a mail server.

Login using IMAP like this:

curl -u username:password imap://mail.example.com

This command will list available mailboxes, but not view any specific message. To do this, specify the UID of the message with the –X option.

curl -u username:password imap://mail.example.com -X 'UID FETCH 1234'

Difference between cURL and wget

Sometimes people confuse cURL and wget because they’re both capable of retrieving data from a server. But this is the only thing they have in common.

We’ve shown in this article what cURL is capable of. wget provides a different set of functions. wget is the best tool for downloading websites and is capable of recursively traversing directories and links to download entire sites.

For downloading websites, use wget. If using some protocol other than HTTP or HTTPS, or for uploading files, use cURL. cURL is also a good option for downloading individual files from the web, although wget does that fine, too.

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How to Install & Configure Squid Linux Proxy Server

Linux fproxy server or proxy server generally is a server that saves the visited web pages for later requests, so if you try to visit the same web page or any one else, the page will be retrieved from the proxy server. This is very useful, it makes web surfing much faster and reduces the traffic which means less cost. Caching servers can decrease external traffic up to 45%. Another main advantage for proxy servers, you can configure the proxy with some settings for access control. For example, you can restrict access to specific websites. If you surf the web before from an anonymous proxy, this is actually a proxy server. You can choose any of the available Linux proxy servers out there like: Squid, Varnish, Polipo, TinyProxy, and more. In this post, we will discuss the most common Linux proxy server which is Squid.

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Install squid

Installing squid proxy server is very simple. For Red Hat based distro, you can install it like this:

dnf -y install squid

Or if you are using Debian based distro, you can install it like this:

apt-get -y install squid

Now you can start squid service and enable it at startup:

systemctl start squid
systemctl enable squid

To squid proxy server, you can check the configuration file in /etc/squid/squid.conf

Before we dig into the configuration, let’s see the proxy server in action.

Just change the proxy setting on your browser to the IP address of the proxy and the port 3128 since this is the squid default port. You can change the default port by changing the http_port option in the configuration file.

Linux Proxy Server set client

As shown on the image I’ve pointed my browser to my Linux proxy server and I can browse the web without any problems.

If you are using iptables firewall, don’t forget to open the squid server port.

Allow IP Address Range

If you open the configuration file /etc/squid/squid.conf, you will see the rules that allow IP addresses to connect to the proxy server like this:

acl localnet src

However, you can add a new ACL entry to allow a range of IP addresses to connect to your proxy server:

acl localnet src

Then save the file and restart squid service:

systemctl restart squid

Very easy, right?

Also, if you remove any ACL from the file, all IP addresses from that range will not be able to connect to the proxy server.

Allow Specific Ports

You can find all ports that are allowed in the configuration file like this:

acl Safe_ports port 80

Consider adding Safe_ports ACL rule for any port that your clients need. You can add a port range instead of writing a rule for every port like this:

acl Safe_ports port 6000-7000

Don’t forget to restart the squid proxy server after the modification:

systemctl restart squid

Authenticating Users

You can force your users to authenticate before they use your Linux proxy server using Apache authentication.

First, we create a file that will store the users:

touch /etc/squid/passwd

Then change the ownership to squid daemon so it can access the file:

chown squid /etc/squid/passwd

Now we will create a new user using the htpasswd command:

htpasswd /etc/squid/passwd likegeeks

It will prompt you for the password twice.

If you open the created file, you will see the user and the hashed password.

Then you change the squid configuration to tell it about the authentication that it should use.

Add the following lines below the ACL ports and nowhere else to enable authentication:

auth_param basic program /usr/lib64/squid/basic_ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwd

auth_param basic children 5

auth_param basic realm Squid Basic Authentication

auth_param basic credentialsttl 3 hours

acl auth_users proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access allow auth_users

Then restart the squid service and try to open the browser again.

systemctl restart squid


As you can see, if you try to connect to the Linux proxy server, it will prompt you for the username and the password.

Block Websites

You can block websites from the proxy users, just create a separate file that will be the list of domains you want to block and point that file from the squid configuration like this:

touch /etc/squid/blocked

Then type all websites you want to block one per line in that file and save it.

Now change the squid configuration to block those websites under acl list and http_access list.

acl blocked_sites dstdomain "/etc/squid/blocked"

http_access deny blocked_sites

Then restart squid service:

systemctl restart squid

There are a lot of ready to use lists on the web and they are categorized, you can use them in squid, like MESD blacklists, Shalla’s Blacklists.

Modify Content

Since the Linux proxy server is between the browser and the internet, this is a very good position to alter the delivered content.

You can change images or ads or whatever. This can be done using the url_rewrite_program module.

Actually, you can do more than that, but we don’t want to be evil.

In our example, we will flip the images and surf the flipped images instead of the original.

First, we need to install ImageMagick:

dnf -y install imagemagick

Then we will write the script that will do the magic. The script will be written in Perl.

You can find the script here

This Perl script searches for JPG, GIF, and PNG, images in the carried content, once it is found, it uses mogrify utility that shipped with ImageMagick to flip the images and put the flipped image in /var/www/html/ which is the root directory for Apache server and apache service should be running of course, then send the flipped images as a response.

Just make sure to add ownership for squid for this folder:

usermod -aG www-data squid

Finally, you have to tell squid about this script. Open the configuration file and type the following:

url_rewrite_program /home/likegeeks/flip.pl

Then restart your squid service

systemctl restart squid

The web has a lot of Perl scripts that play with the content, some of them are good, and some others are evil.

Anonymous Browsing

By default squid proxy server forwards the client IP address to the requested site, if you want the proxy to be surf users anonymously, you should send squid IP instead of clients IPs.

To do that, change the forwarded_for option to off in /etc/squid/squid.conf file.

forwarded_for off

And add the following options mentioned here at the end of the configuration file.

Then restart the service:

systemctl restart squid

You can check your public IP address, you will notice that your IP is the squid proxy server IP.

Connecting Squid Servers

The cache_peer directive sets your peer caches and informs Squid how to communicate with them.

It is written like this:

cache_peer hostname Server-type http-port icp-port [options]

The first argument is the other squid hostname or IP address.

The 2nd argument specifies the type of the other server.

The 3rd argument is the port number.

The 4th argument specifies the ICP port (Internet Caching Protocol) which is 3130. This is used to query other cache servers.

The cache_peer has some options you can use like:

proxy-only: This option prevents Squid from saving any responses it receives from the other squid server.

no-delay: If any delay, it will be ignored.

login= user:password: The authentication credentials to the other server. It takes this formula login =user:password

connect-timeout: This option specifies the connection timeout to other squid servers.

Write your options and save the configuration file and restart the service.

Squid Log Files

Log files are your main source for problem diagnostics and various squid operations.

There are cache.log, access.log, and store.log. You can find them in /var/log/squid directory.

The cache.log file contains informational messages about Squid’s operation. All proxy errors are written to this file.

The access.log file contains all HTTP request made by the clients.

The store.log file contains information about the passed objects.

Each entry on these files is written with time stamps when the message was generated.

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